Track your Pure Bred lamb

For Students & At-Home Chefs

At Pure Bred, we’re not only committed to raising animals in the way nature intended, but also to cultivating the next generation of culinary talent through programs and affiliations that help everyone learn more about raising, preparing and serving holistically raised lamb, and sourcing ingredients that are not only good for you, but for the world. We have resources for students and at-home chefs but if you don’t see what you’re looking for please feel free to contact us

Chef Thomas Keller

Chef Thomas keller restaurants

Chef Thomas keller restaurants

Well before the advent of social networking, a mutual friend who was dining at The French Laundry connected Thomas Keller with a little-known lamb farm in Pennsylvania. The rest is history. We formalized our partnership with the creation of Pure Bred in 2006 and have been supplying products to The French Laundry, Per Se and several of Chef Thomas Keller’s newer restaurants too.

For more information visit
Student chefs preparing meal



We’re proud to partner with Ment’or to further their mission of building up the next generation of leaders in the world of gastronomy. We look forward to helping young culinary careers take off through internships, special events and sponsoring the Young Chef & Commis Competition.

See how you can get involved

Our Partners

We owe a debt of gratitude to our partners. We wouldn’t be who we are if not for them.

United Producers

The French Laundry
Per Se
Surf Club
